Monday, October 11, 2010

New Revised Edition Available

As some of you may have heard, the first version of American Scum was unsuitable for mass-production. In the words of the corporate lawyers:

Your book was rejected from distribution because you have text that falls too close to the edge of the page.  Please take care to move all important text at least .5" away from the edge of your manuscript and then resubmit your revision for distribution. 
Please review The Mandatory Requirements for Distribution
and take appropriate, corrective action so your files may meet requirements needed for distribution approval.

Fine print is beautiful. I’m glad someone thinks any of my text is important. I’ve reviewed “The Mandatory Requirements for Distribution” and followed them. I like their use of capitol letters.

Seriously, the people at Lulu have been pretty cool- I just messed up the top margin of my book and have been sitting on the revisions for a while.

So- American Scum is back on line and ready to be shipped out by the dozens. For sticking with me through this whole wonderful mess- I’ve cut 10% from the price! (limited time offer)

The revisions are minor- but now you get more pages- and more blank spaces for making those nasty comments in the margins.


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