Thursday, June 10, 2010

The Anarchist’s Letter

Attention all Governments and Peoples of the World,


    I hereby declare my independence from any and all nations. I live only under my own dominion. I peacefully and totally secede from the world of organized government. I disregard the notion of tacit agreement and do not believe that any geographical boundaries apply to my person. Though I do not believe we truly possess anything, to that which I have added work I have gained dominion. That which I have dominion over should be considered an extension of my self.


    Effectively, that which I own is to be considered as, though not limited to, my physical person. My firm belief that no person has the power to hold dominion over any other prevents me from being a member of your, or any, State. Because I do not believe in your collective or individual dominion over me, or my property, there is no need for this document save its use as a declaration. I do not write to receive your approval or recognition. I make no threats, as I have neither wish to harm nor for myself to be harmed.

    I am one of a number of individuals who have gathered together to live in absolute freedom. The land that we dwell on has no strategic value, and provides only enough for us to subsist on. We have nothing of any use or threat to you, your families, or your country as an entity.

We do not declare ourselves a new nation, but individuals with no need of citizenship.

We declare and claim the following truth as dependant only on our existence, and as a right, absolute and irrevocable: All people are born and remain throughout their life in absolute freedom, having total dominion over their person; said dominion shall not be infringed upon without the free consent of the infringed.

There is no authority over ourselves save ourselves.


We the undersigned declare ourselves, as individuals, absolutely autonomous:

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